City Assessor's Office

City Assessor's Office


R.A. 7160 or Local Government Code of 1991, Section 200 mandates the provinces and cities, including the municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area shall be primarily responsible for the proper, efficient and effective administration of the real property tax.


Our vision is to be a model of assessment management with a reputation for delivering impartial, precise, and reasonable assessments that exceed statutory requirements. We will assure our customers with prompt, polite and professional service. Our work environment will attract and retain quality workers; fully develop and challenge individual skills; and encourage open communication and a true team spirit. The work force will be devoted, empowered employees committed to a process of ever-improving, responsive, cost-effective service.


Our mission is to administer the City’s assessment program in a manner that assures public confidence in our accuracy, productivity and fairness.

Organizational Outcome:

All real property shall be appraised and assessed for taxation.

Contact Details:

Department Head


City Assessor

Tayabas City Assessor Office

  • City Assessor’s Office, Ground Floor, New City Hall Building, Brgy. Baguio
  • (042)785 6970
Group 318


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